
ErbslandFORMER offers a range of powerful features designed to streamline and enhance your text processing workflows. From organizing and managing documents to leveraging advanced AI models for text transformation, this application provides all the tools you need to handle large-scale text processing efficiently.

Project, Document, and Fragment-Based Organization

ErbslandFORMER allows for comprehensive organization of your text data. You can manage your work at various levels, including projects, individual documents, and even specific fragments of those documents. This hierarchical structure ensures that you can easily navigate and manage large volumes of text.

Automatic Splitting into Appropriately Sized Fragments

The application automatically splits documents into fragments of appropriate sizes based on the specific task at hand. This can be configured to split by units such as large language model (LLM) tokens, characters, words, lines, or bytes. This flexibility ensures optimal handling of text for various processing methods.

Special Split Point Handling for Different Formats

ErbslandFORMER includes specialized algorithms for handling split points in different document formats. It supports formats such as Markdown, C/C++, Python, and plain text. This feature ensures that your text is divided in a way that maintains the integrity and context of the content.

Simple Revision System for Incremental Transformation

The built-in revision system allows for incremental transformations of your projects. You can create and manage revisions, enabling you to track changes over time and revert to previous states if necessary. This system is particularly useful for complex editing tasks that require multiple iterations.

Integrated LLM Processor Using OpenAI’s API

ErbslandFORMER integrates seamlessly with OpenAI’s API to provide powerful language model processing capabilities. It supports models such as GPT-4o, GPT-4, and GPT-3.5, allowing you to leverage the latest advancements in AI for your text transformation tasks.

Integrated Regular Expression Processor

In addition to AI-based transformations, ErbslandFORMER includes a regular expression processor. This feature allows for pattern-based document transformation, making it easy to perform tasks such as replacing specific text patterns or normalizing text.

Import and Export Capabilities

The application supports importing and exporting both single documents and ZIP files containing folder structures. This capability ensures that you can easily bring in external documents for processing and export your completed work in an organized manner.

Integrated User Management

ErbslandFORMER includes a robust user management system. It supports different user roles, including superusers, admin users, and regular users. This system ensures that you can manage access and permissions effectively, maintaining control over who can perform specific actions within the application.

Modular and Extensible System

ErbslandFORMER is designed with a highly modular architecture, allowing for seamless integration of custom transformation and text processing tools. Whether your team works with a specialized text document syntax or a proprietary translation API, you can easily incorporate your custom modules into the system without disrupting the core application. This modularity ensures that even with customizations, ErbslandFORMER remains easy to update and maintain. For more details on the system’s architecture and integration points, refer to the Architecture chapter.

Open-Source Code Base

The source code of ErbslandFORMER is fully open-source and licensed under the GNU General Public License. This licensing ensures that you can use the application freely, whether in a corporate environment or for personal projects. Additionally, having access to the entire source code allows you to review the application’s functionality, conduct security audits, and gain a deeper understanding of its operations. The GPL license guarantees that ErbslandFORMER will remain free and open for all users indefinitely.