Write the Test!

Creating the main.cpp File

The main.cpp file serves as the entry point for your unit tests. Follow these steps to create and configure it:

  1. Create the directory and file for your unit test executable:

    mkdir src
    nano main.cpp
  2. Add the following content to the file:

    #include <erbsland/unittest/UnitTest.hpp>
  • Macro Simplification: The ERBSLAND_UNITTEST_MAIN(); macro streamlines the creation of the main function, automatically setting up your test executable.

  • Build Environment Compatibility: Including a main.cpp file ensures proper recognition of the project language by the build environment and prevents potential issues during compilation.

This approach provides flexibility for defining test classes in header files without requiring additional implementation files.

Creating Your First Unit Test

To define your unit tests, follow these conventions:

File Naming

Each test suite should reside in a file ending with Test, either in a single .hpp or .cpp file, or a combination of .hpp and .cpp files.

Class Naming

The file must contain a class with the same name as the file.

Test Method Naming

Test functions should be public methods in the class and start with a lowercase test.

Example: Basic Test Suite

Let’s create a test suite named BasicTest:

  1. Create the file BasicTest.hpp:

    nano BasicTest.hpp
  2. Add the following content to define the test suite:

    #pragma once
    #include <erbsland/unittest/UnitTest.hpp>
    #include <ExampleLib.hpp>
    using erbsland::ExampleLib;
    class BasicTest : public el::UnitTest {
        void testMagic() {
            auto exampleLib = ExampleLib{};
            REQUIRE(exampleLib.getMagicWord() == "Magic");
Key Points
  • Include Guards: The #pragma once directive ensures the header file is included only once during compilation.

  • Assertions: Use the REQUIRE macro to assert that test conditions are met, such as verifying the return value of getMagicWord().

Adding the Test Suite to the CMake Configuration

To compile and include the test suite, update your CMakeLists.txt file:

  1. Navigate to the parent directory and open the CMakeLists.txt file:

    cd ..
    nano CMakeLists.txt
  2. Update the file with the new test suite:

    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20)
            src/BasicTest.hpp    # Add the new test suite
    target_compile_features(unittest PRIVATE cxx_std_17)
    target_link_libraries(unittest PRIVATE erbsland-unittest-example-lib)
    target_include_directories(unittest PRIVATE ../example-lib/src)
    erbsland_unittest(TARGET unittest)


  • Test Suite Integration: The BasicTest.hpp file is added to the executable target.

  • Seamless Compilation: The updated CMake configuration ensures the new test suite is compiled and linked correctly.

By completing these steps, you have successfully created and configured your first test suite using the Erbsland UnitTest framework. You’re now ready to build and run your tests!

Build the Test! →