Macros for Unittests

Erbsland UnitTest has a small number of macros to perform the tests and for adding meta information to the test classes and methods.

Quick Overview

Macros for Tests

  • REQUIRE(expression): Tests if the given expression is true.

  • REQUIRE_FALSE(expression): Tests if the given expression is false.

  • REQUIRE_THROWS(expression): Tests if the given expression throws an exception. Fails if it does not.

  • REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(exception class, expression): Tests if the given expression throws an exception of the specified type or derived type exception class>. Fails if it does not.

  • REQUIRE_NOTHROW(expression): Tests if the given expression does not throw an exception. Fails if it does.

For all REQUIRE_... macros listed above, there is a corresponding CHECK_... version. These check versions only display a message in the output, but the test will not fail.

  • CHECK(expression): Like REQUIRE, but only warns.

  • CHECK_FALSE(expression): Like REQUIRE_FALSE, but only warns.

  • CHECK_THROWS(expression): Like REQUIRE_THROWS, but only warns.

  • CHECK_THROWS_AS(exception class, expression): Like REQUIRE_THROWS_AS, but only warns.

  • CHECK_NOTHROW(expression): Like REQUIRE_NOTHROW, but only warns.

  • WITH_CONTEXT(expression): Executes the expression, but adds a context for error reporting.

Macros for Meta Data

  • TAGS(tags): Adds a tag to a class or test function.

  • TESTED_TARGETS(targets): Adds a tested target to a class or test function.

  • SKIP_BY_DEFAULT(): Skips a test or class by default.

Helper Macros

  • SOURCE_LOCATION(): Gets the source location, used for the runWithContext() call.

  • ERBSLAND_UNITTEST_MAIN(): Creates a simple main function to start the unittest.

The REQUIRE(expression) Macro

The REQUIRE macro evaluates whether an expression is true. If the expression results in false or throws an exception, the test suite stops with an error. The error message displays the exact location in the code where the error occurred and the tested expression.

void testNameSetAndGet() {
    std::string name = "Peter";
    REQUIRE(exampleLib.getName() == name);

You might be familiar with unit testing systems that use test macros like COMPARE(A, B), which return the actual compared values in case of an error. We found these to be less useful, as complex tests often involve values that cannot be easily converted into text.

To view the tested values, we recommend one of the following approaches.

For local and specialized tests, enclose the tested block with a runWithContext() call. The second lambda function displays all relevant information about the tested values in case of an error.

void testExample() {
    int x = 5;
    runWithContext(SOURCE_LOCATION(), [&]() {
        x = 9;
        REQUIRE(x == 10);
    }, [&]() {
        std::stringstream text;
        text << "x = " << x;
        return text.str();

We suggest using small test suites and instance variables shared between all test blocks. Then implement the additionalErrorMessages() to display the state of these variables if an error occurs. This approach not only makes tests easier to read, it also helps debugging them.

class ExampleTest : public el::UnitTest {
    int inputA{};
    std::string inputB{};
    bool expected{};

    auto additionalErrorMessages() -> std::string override {
        try {
            auto text = std::ostringstream{};
            text << "inputA = " << inputA << " / inputB = " << inputB << " / expected = " << expected << "\n";
            return text.str();
        } catch(...) {
            return {"Unexpected Exception"};

    void testExample() {
        Foo foo;
        inputA = 5;
        inputB = "example";
        expected = false;
        REQUIRE(, inputB) == expected)
        // ...
    // ...

The REQUIRE_FALSE(expression) Macro

This test macro works like REQUIRE, but expects false as result. If the expression results in true or throws an exception, the test suite is stopped with an error.

The macro exists to have a more visual indicator a negative result is expected.

void testNameSetAndGet() {
    std::string name = "Peter";

The REQUIRE_THROWS(expression) Macro

This test macro expects that the given expression throws an exception. Any thrown exception is accepted. If the expression throws no exception, the test suite stops with an error.

void testNameSetAndGet() {
    auto exampleLib = ExampleLib{};

The REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(exception class, expression) Macro

This macro works like REQUIRE_THROWS but you can also specify the class of the exception you expect.

void testNameSetAndGet() {
    auto exampleLib = ExampleLib{};
    REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(std::domain_error, exampleLib.isEvenPalindrome());

The REQUIRE_NOTHROW(expression) Macro

This macro expects the expression throws no exception. Compared with REQUIRE, it does not expect and discards any return value of the expression.

The CHECK_... Macros

The CHECK_... macros are counterparts to the REQUIRE_... macros. If the test in one of these macros fails, this is only reported as warning in the output, but does not stop the test suite.

The WITH_CONTEXT(expression) Macro

This macro adds a context around the expression. In case a test fails in the nested expression, the line and file of the WITH_CONTEXT statement is also reported in the output.

Use this macro if you call additional test methods to get the original location of the call.

void setAndVerifyName(const std::string &name) {
    auto expectedSize = name.size();
    REQUIRE(exampleLib.getName() == name);
    REQUIRE(exampleLib.getNameLength() == expectedSize);

TESTED_TARGETS(getName getNameLength setName)
void testNameSetAndGet() {
    // ...

In case of a problem, you see the nested calls in the output:

Test: NameSetAndGet FAILED!
[2]: /erbsland-unittest-example/unittest/src/ContextTest.hpp:56: REQUIRE_FALSE(exampleLib.getNameLength() == expectedSize)
[1]: /erbsland-unittest-example/unittest/src/ContextTest.hpp:67: WITH_CONTEXT(setAndVerifyName("Lisa"))

You can nest as many WITH_CONTEXT macros as you like.

Add Tags with TAGS(...)

You can use the TAGS(...) macro to add any number of tags to test classes or functions. These tags can help you include or exclude specific groups of test classes or functions when running tests.

class ExampleTest : public el::UnitTest {
    TAGS(LongRun ExtensiveTest)
    void testEveryCombination() {
        // ...

The usage of tags is flexible and depends on your preferences.

Add Targets with TESTED_TARGETS(...)

The c:expr:TESTED_TARGETS(…) macro allows you to add information about which targets a given test class or test function is testing. You can use these targets to include or exclude a group of test classes or functions from the test.

TESTED_TARGETS(Nanoseconds Microseconds Milliseconds Seconds Minutes Hours Days Weeks Amount)
class TimeAmountsTest : public el::UnitTest {
    // ...
    void testNanoseconds() {
        // ...

You can specify any number of identifiers, separated by whitespace. Although the identifiers don’t need to be related to the tested code, we recommended to use the names of tested classes and/or functions.

Skip Tests by Default with SKIP_BY_DEFAULT()

Using the SKIP_BY_DEFAULT() macro, you can mark test classes or functions that should not be executed by default. Classes and functions marked with this macro will only be executed if they are explicitly included using a command-line argument when starting the unit test.

class ExampleTest : public el::UnitTest {
    void testEveryCombination() {
        // ...


You can combine TAGS, TESTED_TARGETS, and SKIP_BY_DEFAULT for every class and test function by separating them with whitespace:

class ExampleTest : public el::UnitTest {
    void testEveryCombination() {
        // ...

This flexibility allows you to define meta information for each test class and function, making it easier to manage and filter tests based on your requirements.


The macro SOURCE_LOCATION() is only used when calling the function runWithContext()


The macro ERBSLAND_UNITTEST_MAIN() is a shortcut for the following main function:

auto main(int argc, char *argv[]) -> int {
  return ::erbsland::unittest::Controller::instance()->main(argc, argv);