
The LocationFormat Enum Class

enum class erbsland::qt::toml::LocationFormat

The string format for the location.


enumerator Compact

Generates a text in the format [line]:[column].

enumerator CompactWithIndex

Generates a text in the format [line]:[column]:([index]).

enumerator Long

Generates a text in the format line [line], column [column].

enumerator LongWithIndex

Generates a text in the format line [line], column [column] (index [index]).

The Specification Enum Class

enum class erbsland::qt::toml::Specification : int

The specification version.


enumerator Version_1_0
enumerator Version_1_1
auto erbsland::qt::toml::specificationToString(Specification specification) noexcept -> QString

Convert a value source enumeration into a string.


specification – The specification.


A string for the specification in the format TOML 1.0.

The ValueType Enum Class

enum class erbsland::qt::toml::ValueType

The type of a value.


enumerator Integer

A signed integer.

enumerator Float

A floating-point number.

enumerator Boolean

A boolean value (either true or false).

enumerator String

A string.

enumerator Time

A local time of day.

enumerator Date

A local calendar date.

enumerator DateTime

A date and time with or without offset.

enumerator Table

An unordered map of TOML key-value pairs.

enumerator Array

An ordered list of TOML values.

auto erbsland::qt::toml::valueTypeToString(ValueType valueType) noexcept -> QString

Convert a value type enumeration into a string.


valueType – The value source.


A string for the enum value, like Integer.

auto erbsland::qt::toml::valueTypeToUnitTestString(ValueType valueType) noexcept -> QString

Convert a value type enumeration into a string.

This function is like valueTypeToString, but returns the type information as: integer, float, bool, string, date-local, time-local, datetime, table, array. There is no datetime-local, as you have to inspect the actual date/time value to determine if its a local or offset date.


valueType – The value source.


A string for the enum value, like integer.

The ValueSource Enum Class

enum class erbsland::qt::toml::ValueSource

The source that defined the value.


enumerator ImplicitTable

Implicit key of a table [this.this.key]

enumerator ExplicitTable

Explicit key of a table [key.key.this]

enumerator ImplicitValue

Implicit key of a value this.key.name = 5

enumerator ExplicitValue

Explicit key of a value key.this.name = 5

enumerator Value

A value or an inline table or list: key = { ... } or key = [ ... ]

auto erbsland::qt::toml::valueSourceToString(ValueSource valueSource) noexcept -> QString

Convert a value source enumeration into a string.


valueSource – The value source.


A string for the enum value, like Implicit Table.